Functional.  Effective.  Compassionate.

Knees got you down?  Or rather, won't let you get down and back up again?

Have you been told to avoid bending, only to wonder how you're supposed to get your pants and shoes on WITHOUT bending?

Do you seek out the elevator just to avoid using the stairs?  Is enjoyable hiking a distant memory?  

Maybe you've tried physical therapy before.  

Or chiropractic care.  

And massage.  


Medication too.

Your list of stretches is longer than the muscles you've been stretching.  None of it has helped.  Your doctor, neighbor, and sister have told you that you just need to avoid that painful thing you want to do.  It's part of getting older, right?

What if someone could give you hope?  What if you could regain the ability to do the very thing you CAN'T do now, but WANT to be able to do again?  What if you didn't have to accept that "things will never get better than they are right now?"

Would you like the opportunity to work with a skilled professional who listens to what you actually want to be able to accomplish AND can help you get there?  

At REALIFE Physical Therapy and Wellness, I help REAL people feel better and move better so they can do life better.  


Call or text toll free: 1(844) 949-9075

Fax: 1 (844) 907-5075

